PegMedia Inc. recently announced the transfer of ownership of PegMedia.org to Tightrope Media Systems, developers of the Cablecast Community Media station automation and multiplatform publishing solutions. Tightrope will now handle all operations and development of PegMedia.org and plans to continue PegMedia’s mission of facilitating easy, low-cost content sharing between community media organizations and producers. Read the full statements from Robert Nichols of PegMedia Inc. and Steve Israelsky of Tightrope Media Systems’ Cablecast Division here.
As a PegMedia.org user, here are some things you may be wondering about this ownership transfer:
Q - What happens to my account?
A - No worries! Your account information, the way you access your account, all your files and activities will stay just as they are. They will not be affected by this ownership change.
Q - Will I need to use Tightrope’s Cablecast products to use PegMedia.org in the future?
A - Absolutely not. You can continue to use PegMedia.org regardless of your automation platform.
Q - What about my payment/account info and existing credits?
A - It's safe! Your credit balance will not be affected. Payments options will be the same as before.
Q - Will Tightrope change the credit/pricing structure?
A - Nope. Tightrope intends to keep it the way it is.
Q - What is going to change with this ownership transfer?
A- In the interim, your experience will remain very much the same. One thing you might notice is an increase in activity on the site as Tightrope’s Cablecast team intends to promote PegMedia.org to its customers who are not currently using it. In time, Tightrope’s Cablecast team will make updates to improve the user experience, but we intend to keep PegMedia.org as accessible and affordable as possible.
We may update this post as we get more questions from users. Do you have a question not addressed here? Reach out to us at info@cablecast.tv.